Lauren Kaye Photography » Newborn, Infant and Family Portraits

Annapolis Royal Newborn Photography – Baby Faye

Sarah’s wonderful family was one of the first families I ever had the pleasure of photographing – back when they were five.  Now they are six!  What a beautiful new addition Faye is, and what a lucky baby to be surrounded by so much love.  Thanks for having me over again, Smith family, I hope you enjoy your Sneak Peek!

Erica - January 4, 2013 - 12:08 am

these are adorable! lots of favourites of course, but my all time fave is this last picture!!! fabulous work, lauren! x

Rachel Mae - January 4, 2013 - 12:22 am

Absolutely gorgeous Lauren! You have such a great eye! Love little Faye, she is just perfect and you captured it perfectly 🙂

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