Yearly Archives: 2010

Headed off to Halifax this weekend to spend a gorgeous November afternoon with the Peckford family, taking some family portraits! They had some gorgeous sites all around their house, so we bundled up and headed out. What a gorgeous family! We did some more “traditional” family portraits, some nice candid shots, and I even snuck […]

Griffin and I were having fun photographing all the natural light that is in our living room since we added two new windows. Normally cardboard turns an unpleasant yellow when you photograph it, but I actually like the light in these. They look great black and white, too, but ultimately I chose colour for these […]

Here’s a photo of Griffin in the Natural Playground we built in the park behind our house (more info on our other blog, sleepingforeststudios, for those who are interested.) I just wanted to throw a quick note on here to say that I have updated the web-site to include an F.A.Q. section, under the Info […]

Oh, we do love this time of year. All that fresh, local produce heaped about – the smells, the sounds, the sights! I can never decide if I like Hennigar’s or Noggin’s best when we travel through Wolfville, but this time we decided to stop in at Hennigar’s and visit with some of their animals. […]
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